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Welcome to Phase 3: Development

Learn how to build a winning landing page even if you have little to no technical skills!

What you’ll learn

You will learn how to structure your landing page’s copy.

You will learn the best formulas for every copy piece.

You will have a template that you can reuse in the future.


Click on each checkpoint to see more information about how to best implement it.


1. Use WordPress, Shopify, or ClickFunnels for ease of use, endless customization, and performance.

Use WordPress, Shopify, or ClickFunnels for ease of use, endless customization, and performance.

2. Avoid code, you want a simple process that is easy to replicate ("simple scales, fancy fails" - Alex Hormozi).

Avoid code, you want a simple process that is easy to replicate (“simple scales, fancy fails” – Alex Hormozi).

3. Document the process, so your page can be managed by team members or service providers.

Document the process, so your page can be managed by team members or service providers.

4. Prioritize page's responsivness across all devices (most of the traffic is mobile across all industries).

Prioritize page’s responsivness across all devices (most of the traffic is mobile across all industries).

5. Use proper website hosting to ensure that the landing page is always accessible.

Use proper website hosting to ensure that the landing page is always accessible.

6. Optimize for speed by compressing images, minimizing the use of external scripts, and utilizing caching to improve page load times.

Optimize for speed by compressing images, minimizing the use of external scripts, and utilizing caching to improve page load times.

7. Implement optimized forms that are easy to fill out and submit, such as by minimizing the number of required fields.

Implement optimized forms that are easy to fill out and submit, such as by minimizing the number of required fields.

8. Use proper form validation to ensure users enter valid data and prevent spam.

Use proper form validation to ensure users enter valid data and prevent spam.

9. Implement SSL encryption to ensure that data is transmitted securely over the internet, especially if it includes forms that collect sensitive information.

Implement SSL encryption to ensure that data is transmitted securely over the internet, especially if it includes forms that collect sensitive information.

10. Use proper animation, such as by using subtle and tasteful animation effects.

Use proper animation, such as by using subtle and tasteful animation effects.

11. Use proper image and icon libraries, such as Unsplash, Pexel, and Freepik.

Use proper image and icon libraries, such as Unsplash, Pexel, and Freepik.

12. Use proper typography, such as font size, spacing, and hierarchy, to improve readability and create a consistent brand identity.

Use proper typography, such as font size, spacing, and hierarchy, to improve readability and create a consistent brand identity.

13. Implement third-party integrations, such as email marketing software or CRM tools, to improve conversion rates and user experience.

Implement third-party integrations, such as email marketing software or CRM tools, to improve conversion rates and user experience.

14. Implement conversion tracking with analytics and tracking tools such as Meta pixel and Google analytics.

Implement conversion tracking with analytics and tracking tools such as Meta pixel and Google analytics.

15. Implement behavior tracking with tools such as heat maps, click tracking, or user session recordings.

Implement behavior tracking with tools such as heat maps, click tracking, or user session recordings.

16. Use a custom domain that is easy to spell and remember ( over

Use a custom domain that is easy to spell and remember ( over

17. Optimize the landing page for search engines, such as by using appropriate meta tags, keywords, and headings.

Optimize the landing page for search engines, such as by using appropriate meta tags, keywords, and headings.

18. Test the landing page on real devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to ensure that it works properly and looks good on all devices.

Test the landing page on real devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to ensure that it works properly and looks good on all devices.

19. Consider segmenting your audience and building a tailored landing page for each group.

Consider segmenting your audience and building a tailored landing page for each group.

Ready for the next phase?

Or jump to any phase!

While we suggest you follow each phase in order, step-by-step, for the best results, you can jump to any phase at any time and create your own learning flow.

Phase 1: Structuring

Learn how to structure a winning landing page, what sections to include, and their specific order to create the perfect customer journey. You’ll also have a template to ease the process!

Phase 2: Copywriting

Learn our best practices for writing winning copy. Please complete the structuring phase first as the copywriting phase helps you develop the outline you create during the structuring phase.

Phase 4: Design

Learn the DOs and DONTs of designing an aesthetic landing page. If you keep these foundational principles in mind, you’ll have a landing page that you’ll be proud to show.

Phase 5: Pre-launch

Learn how to set yourself up for success by developing your pre-launch strategy. Phase 5 will give you a brief insight into how to create your first ad campaigns and ensure they’re successful!

Ecomhub Agency

We help entrepreneurs and brands grow and scale their businesses.